Environmental Impact Assessments

HM multidisciplinary team accomplishes environmental impact assessment studies for marine developments. Studies include:

  • Applicable regulation to the project, such as legal provisions, governmental programs, and technical standards;
  • Project presentation, such as its context, objectives, justifications, location, operational aspects, regional insertion;
  • Definition of influence areas, i.e., geographical boundaries that will be directly and indirectly affected by the project;
  • Environmental Assessment. A detailed picture of the environmental quality of the coverage area to be studied, indicating the characteristics of all relevant factors of the environmental system, in order to allow the knowledge of the dynamics and interactions among the physical, biotic and socio-economic environments, encompassing the parameters susceptible to suffer directly or indirectly the effects of the project;
  • Identification and assessment of the environmental impacts, taking into account each of the components of the nature environment as described in the environmental assessment and their occurrence, as well, an integrated analysis of those factors, its synergism or attenuation;
  • Formulation of mitigation and compensatory actions, considering the environmental impacts of the development, in the form of control and monitoring programs.